

ALBION, Frequency Photo Booklet

We present a fine, modern collection of Biosphere, Landscape where ancient root races 1st emerged into Earth Elder Matrix to lay Grids for humanity to evolve..

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ALBION, Frequency Photo Booklet

We present a fine, modern collection of Biosphere, Landscape where ancient root races 1st emerged into Earth Elder Matrix to lay Grids for humanity to evolve..

This is a truly indulgent, beautiful frequency dynamic, especially for Grid Workers, Time-Travellers and those interested in receiving biosphere landscape mechanics into Core Manifestation Template.

I sat with this for over 2 years, building quantum after I visited (ALBA) Scotland on Mission Op’s in 2017… A Trigger Code for Ancient Elders who are now reclaiming their ‘Gold’ again….

Featuring: The Golden Fleece

Misty Lands, Bridge

The Rock of Compassion

and more….

This stunning booklet is, as usual, filled in frequency, dynamics, energy and quantum mechanics of vast proportions, way beyond normal spectrum……. Please make sure to drink plenty of fresh, clean water whilst reading this well into dreamscape…..

Thank you for reclaiming this Treasure….